Our Origin:

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu,

I started Nikahified as a hopeless romantic and a proud Muslim unwilling to give up her values and morals, Alhamdulillah. While working as an events assistant for another Muslim marriage company, I couldn't ignore the overwhelmingly obvious marriage crisis in the United Kingdom. Requests from friends, locals and acquaintances seeking suitable partners kept pouring in, and my personal experience with inadequate marriage apps further highlighted the gap in meeting Muslims' needs for facilitating halal marriage meetings. Somehow, the topic of marriage slowly circled back to a significant portion of my conversations (says every desi girl ever lol). Lets be honest, its always going to be a hot topic. All I knew was that something had to be done.

Young or old, every true Muslim and Muslimah wants to get married within the boundaries of Islam, and I noticed a lack of regular events that truly made meaningful connections. Many events felt superficial, lacking genuine understanding and care. There always seemed to be the classic group ‘icebreaker events’ but no real or meaningful connections were taking place. Having been on both sides, as a “matchmaking assistant” and someone searching for a partner, I realised that I could fill this void and make a real difference. That's when Nikahified emerged – a space where I genuinely want to help people and, well, maybe enjoy some free food at weddings, ahaha!

On a serious note, I understand the urgency and importance of addressing this crisis. But let me make one things clear. You are not desperate or unmarryable; society has simply misunderstood their role in this facilitation thereby lacking it almost altogether. Nikahified is here to change that narrative. I’m not just helping Muslims get married, I am also dedicated in bringing Muslim families together through FREE MENTORING for parents to learn how they can support their children throughout this process because lets be honest, how can we as an Ummah move forward when the family unit doesn’t know the basics of communication? I have made a commitment to help others because, to put it simply, I just love LOVE! And Islam is abundant in halal love, so I want to share my passion for helping people and making a positive difference in their lives, Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen!

With Love and Hope,

Fatima - CEO.